JAVA for SVRM UI manual

Old SVRM UI requires JAVA. Due to fact that SVRM will no longer be running in web browser, JAVA must be installed by the customer and a special environment variable - “SVRM_JAVA_PATH” must be created for SVRM.

The script that will be running SVRM in JAVA container is looking for “SVRM_JAVA_PATH” variable in order to determine if there is JAVA installed and can be used. If it cannot find this variable or finds it empty, it will return error and not start old SVRM UI.

Version of JAVA does not really matter, however it is recommended to use version 1.7.0 or later. Place where JAVA is installed / copied is also not important. I recommend to use default directory. If JAVA is already installed, create a “SVRM_JAVA_PATH” variable with path to it.

Environment variable on Windows:

To create new environment variable you must be logged in as Administrator and follow steps below:

1. Press Win key

2. Type “environment”

3. Choose “Edit the system environment variables” from the list

4. In “System properties” click “Environment variables…” on the bottom of the window

5. In “System variables” section, click “New” button

6. As “Variable name” enter “SVRM_JAVA_PATH”

7. As “Variable value” enter path to “bin” folder in JAVA location

    e.g.: “C:\Program Files\JAVA\JAVAversion\bin”

8. Reboot system

If environment variable was created correctly and JAVA is installed, SVRM UI will start without any problems.

In case of any problems with SVRM UI not starting, check if path in “SVRM_JAVA_PATH” variable is correct, it must lead to “bin” folder where java.exe and javaw.exe files are placed.