Original Article: https://www.downloadsource.net/how-to-create-a-quick-connect-vpn-shortcut-on-windows-11/n/21058/

How to create a Quick Connect VPN shortcut on Windows 11.




If you have updated to Windows 11 and aren’t happy with the current list of options for connecting to VPN’s. This article will show you how to quickly and easily create your own custom VPN shortcut that you can use anywhere on your system (except for the taskbar for the time being). This is the best method for connecting to VPNs currently available on Windows 11.

Related: How to stop restart required notifications after updates on Windows 11.

In their rush to update to Windows 11 a lot of users have found out that there are a lot of customization options that no longer exist. Sure you can move Taskbar icons from the center to the left but you can’t drag and drop shortcuts or anything else to the Taskbar. If an app or program doesn’t have the option to add it to the Taskbar when you right-click on it you aren’t going to be able to add it to the taskbar…

VPN options have also been moved and changed on Windows 11, which means the quick and easy methods of connecting have been removed by default. Although there is one method you can use to add VPN connections back to the Taskbar, the feature has been changed several times already. If you’re having VPN connection issues on Windows 11 make sure you check out our troubleshooting guide here.

Thankfully there is a really quick and easy way you can create your own custom VPN connection shortcut on Windows 11 that you can place just about anywhere (not the Taskbar sadly) This shortcut will allow you to connect to any VPN connection you’ve set up on your device. So how exactly do you create a VPN shortcut on Windows 11?

How do you create a VPN Quick Connect shortcut on Windows 11? Make a VPN shortcut on Windows 11.

Creating a VPN connection shortcut on Windows 11 is super simple, so let’s get started.

To begin, go to a location on your computer you’d like to create a shortcut. Anywhere is fine, the Desktop, File Explorer, etc.

  • Once you are in a location right-click and select New > Shortcut. make a desktop shortcut for windows vpns
  • Next, copy and paste: C:\Windows\System32\rasphone.exe into the location text box and click Next.
  • On this screen enter a name for your Shortcut (anything will do).
  • Now simply click Finish and the shortcut will place created and placed in the location you picked. You can move this shortcut around as you please. You can also make copies of it as well.
  • When you use the shortcut it will open the VPN quick connect window and allow you to choose any VPN connection you have created on Windows 11.

How to give the new VPN Quick Connect shortcut a custom icon.

  • Now that you have created a VPN connection shortcut you can give it a custom icon by right-clicking on it and selecting Properties.
  • Change to the Shortcut tab, then click Change icon at the bottom and select a new icon from the selection available or use browse to pick one you’ve sourced elsewhere.
  • Finally, click Apply to save the change and your shortcut will update with the new icon.

Can you use this method on Windows 10?

You sure can! Follow the exact same steps shown above and you can create a quick connect VPN shortcut for Windows 10. The best part about doing this on Windows 10 is that you can still add it to your taskbar.