Original Article: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/sy4lau/how_to_add_autoupdating_spot_prices_to_excel_sheet/

How to Add Auto-Updating Spot Prices to Excel Sheet

Advice and Tips

In this post, I would like to share with you what I learned today on how to add the current spot price of silver, gold, etc. to your excel sheet, and have it auto-update to stay current with no manual updating required. I will be using the Microsoft Home and Business 2016 version of Excel for this demonstration.

First of all, this is mainly relevant if you have a log of your precious metals in Excel, so establishing that would be a good starting place. You can use the spot price to calculate your total spot value of your current stash, and add a premium if you'd like.

To add the spot price, you're going to import a table of the spot prices into Excel, which you can do in a separate sheet or tab in your Excel file in order to keep the imported (and sometimes messy) data out of your main spreadsheet. You can save the values you want to work with.

On your Excel tabs, go to "Data", click "From Web", press "Yes" on the script error pop ups, and paste https://www.moneymetals.com/silver-price# (To make it work in Office 2019 I had to use the # at the end of the URL) into the Address bar and hit "Enter", and again "Yes" to the script errors. You will notice small yellow/orange boxes with arrows - scroll down to the table with "Today's Silver Price" and click on the arrow on the top left, which highlights the table when you hover over it, and click "Import". (On Office 2019 it looks like the following.  Simply select the correct table [Table 0 in this case then select "Load"])

r/Wallstreetsilver - How to Add Auto-Updating Spot Prices to Excel Sheet

Now it may load for a few seconds, but you will get a table in Excel with the spot prices per ounce, gram, and kilo for silver. Highlight the cell with the spot price per ounce, and in the top left drop down box with the cell number, edit it to a custom name such as "SilverSpot" and hit "Enter". Now you have to edit the table Properties. Go to "Data" and "Properties" and you can edit the name to something like "SilverSpotPriceMM" (I used "SilverSpotMM" instead and named the tab "SilverSpotPriceMM" in Office 2019 There is a different box first on Office 2019 and when you click square box to the right of "SilverSpotMM", it brings up a slightly different box) and check the boxes to "Refresh every x minutes" (your choice) and to "Refresh data when opening file".

r/Wallstreetsilver - How to Add Auto-Updating Spot Prices to Excel Sheet

Now all you have to do is go back to your sheet with your precious metal log and pick a cell to hold the spot price. Type "=SilverSpot" (or whatever name you chose) and it will automatically put that updating value in. You can do the same thing with gold, platinum, palladium, and any other chart of values you can find online. Here are some more charts from the same website:

Gold: https://www.moneymetals.com/gold-price (this is pictured in the example already)

Platinum: https://www.moneymetals.com/platinum-price

Palladium: https://www.moneymetals.com/palladium-price

That's all there is to it! Here's an example log, with updating spot price, and spot sheet "PriceChart" shown at bottom.

r/Wallstreetsilver - How to Add Auto-Updating Spot Prices to Excel Sheet