To add a Guarantor in Practice Partner, start by going to
File > New Guarantor
There are three fields that are required, however it is recommended to fill out everything on the General tab.
The Billing tab has several settings. The Print Statement setting tells the program whether or not the Patient will get billed. The address section seen below is to enter an alternate address/organization if billing someone other than the patient. There is a checkmark for Finance Charge if the patient is set to accrue interest. The minimum payment field is for a budget account.
On the Other
Data tab, data can be entered in user-defined fields. The system administrator can customize these
user-defined fields to meet the specific needs of the organization. The users
access level determines whether they can use the Other Data tab The Notes
tab you can choose to view current notes or archived notes. To add a new
note, click the ‘new note’ button. The
following will show you what the new note screen looks like. When you add
a new note to the Guarantor screen, the box below will pop up. There is a place to add an active and
expiration date. The function drop down
allows you to designate where the note is displayed. On the
Financial Summary tab, you can view a summary of a guarantor's financial
history. Information displayed on this screen includes last insurance payment
amount and date, last insurance
claim, charges,
budget plan information, and aging data.