Sub Product(s):

Appointment Scheduler - All database types

Related Defect #:

Problem or Issue:
When printing encounter forms in Appointment Scheduler, an incorrect insurance is printing. This incorrect insurance is not found on the patient's account.

The cause is an incorrect MRPT record for that patient. Support nor Development has found a root cause. Please ensure the MRPT record indicates no data damage (Ctree/Ctree Server Sites)

Software Versions Affected:
Appointment Scheduler, all versions

The solution is to remove the MRPT99 record after verifying there is no data damage (Ctree/Ctree Server sites). Make a copy of the MRPT99 table first. Depending on the version of the application, you can use RAF, Dbviewer, SQL Managment Studio or SQL Plus. You will need to determine the PTID for the patient (query MRPA99 first). Once you have the PTID, query MRPT99 for all records associated with the patient's PTID. Find the wrong record and delete it. Run the encounter form again to ensure it is printing correctly now. If there is no MRPT record that is incorrect, it is also possible that the appointment slot itself is the catalyst for the incorrect insurance printing. The user can also clear the appointment and re-enter the appointment to correct the issue.