To fix the Formulary not downloading, please do the following:

  1. Go to the <Drive Letter usually P:\>ppart\tempfrml folder in Explorer
  2. Create a folder called "Old"
  3. Move all foles currently in the tempfrml folder into the "Old" folder
  4. Create a new text document (Right Click - Select "New" - Select "Text Document") called FormularyVersion
  5. Open the file and enter the number 1 only and exit saving changes
  6. Go to the <Drive Letter usually P:\>ppart\ folder
  7. Open the ePrescriptionTaskConfig.xml file with notepad (Right Click - Edit)
  8. Scroll down to the <LastUpdateDate> section and change the date to be at least a month older (Can be changed to a year older to make sure it starts the download process:  Should look something like: <LastUpdateDate>03/08/2016</LastUpdateDate>)
  9. Scroll down to the <FilesCopied> section and change it to False (Should look like <FilesCopied>False</FilesCopied>
  10. Close and save the ePrescriptionTaskConfig.xml file
  11. Restart the PMSI Formulary Service

Once the service is restarted, you should see the "" appear and start increasing in size.  This lets you know that the formulary is downloading.  As of the date of this KB article, the size of the "" file is around 14.5 GB.